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Friday, September 5, 2008

#11 Tariff and Finance

"North Borneo should have control of its own finance, development funds and tariffs"

This is point number #11 as agreed by the parties involved during the formation of the federation of Malaysia. The signatories of the 20 points memorandum were United National Kadazan Organization led by Donald A. Stephens, United Sabah National Organization led by Datu Mustapha, United Party headed by Khoo Siak Chew, Democratic Party steered by Lee Yun Hing, and National Pasok Momogun Organization headed by O.K.K Ansim Dulau.

Point number 11 of the twenty points is to safeguard North Borneo from unfair distribution of wealths. It is to ensure North Borneo will reap the benefit from its own natural resources, and not to allow the federal government siphoning off of what is rightfully ours. It was clearly foreseeable that Sabah should be allowed to manage its own funds. For I think collection of taxes, personal and corporate income taxes, export and import duties, petroleum royalty, etc. should be under the jurisdiction of the Sabah autonomous region, not run by the federal government as what is happening now.

Looking at the current statistics, the collection of taxes, duties, etc. are directly under the provision of the federal government. And it is further severed by the State's share of 5% of the oil revenue. It is too small. Each and every Sabahan must have asked the question at least once in their lifetime. Who gave away the 95% oil revenue to the federal government? When did it happen?

The truth behind the 5% royalty agreement has continued to baffle many of us. We heard and we could only guess that previous Chief Ministers such as Tun Mustapha and Tun Fuad had consistently refused to sign the Petroleum Sharing Agreement. Indicating their unwillingness to give up the State's oil right. Rumor has it that Datuk Haris Salleh was the one who signed away the agreement. And now he attended SAPP convention on Sabah issues and ostensibly portray himself as innocent? Still it didn't justify the validity of the agreement, for the former Chief Minister Signature alone does not constitute approval of the people of Sabah.

As a responsible Sabahans and also Malaysians. For the right of Sabah as one of the three partners in the federation of Malaysia. And for ensuring continuous improvement to the federal and state relation. We would like to ask about the details of the INFLOW vs OUTFLOW of money to and from Sabah. Did Federal Government collected more than what they spent in Sabah? Is Sabah continuously supplying net OUTFLOW of money to the federal government?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...if there were no plane crash above Sembulan on the 6th of June, 1976...we will be drinking oil besides alcohol and water!

If the plane never went down that day...we will not be in a situation like what we are in now for our rights would have been truly safeguarded by the leaders that perished in the crash.

95% goes to the coffer of the Federal government....5% is all what we Sabahans get! Fair distribution of wealth...our oil, our money..........our potholes, our jambatan gantungs, our school children sitting on floors...OUR MISERIES!

Our former British masters...were men not like our present masters (Tuan-Tuan Baru). When the white masters left Sabah... our oil fields were still intact but the Tuan-Tuan Baru are sucking our natural resources at a very fast, rapid us only 5% which is "TEMPIAS"...leftover food for the dog! This is colonialism in its purest form!

God didn't willed the plane crash of June 6th, was the will of the Devil! The Devil insisted God that the plane need to go down fatally or else.......................................................!!!!!!!

(Only an opened mind can read the dots above)

Gunung Kinabalu