There's a story of a fearless "Pendekar" in a remote village in remote district known as "Kotoh Balat". This "Pendekar" earn his reputation for being a formidable fighter, he never once concede anything to any of his adversaries nor did he ever lose in any arguments. For he has a loud shrieky voice equivalent to a frog calling for rain to come down. He was gifted with a heavenly high-quality vocal cord and a larger than large larynx.
One loud clamor from him is enough to send any opponent down, silencing any protest from the floor. "Pendekar" used that to his advantage and once he led a political party known as ROOT (Revolutionary Otai Otai Tongok) - Don't ask me, I don't know what it symbolizes either. ROOT was considered as a splinter party, because it was formed by former members of a disrupted bigger party known as PDS (Party of Disjointed Shame).
Due to this "special quality", a gem rarely found in any other leader or in any other place but "Kotoh Balat". He was elected as a speaker in national legislative assembly of his country. This is a very clever strategy by the ruling party DN (Destruction National). Because this chap "Pendekar" is a Godsend. He can be manipulated and exploited for the sole benefit of the ruling government.
The ruling government is in a precarious position, because there's a looming threat from an emerging nemesis. The nemesis is set to take over the government at any time, he has exhausted all constitutional and legal avenue. One final avenue could be to call for an "emergency sitting" of the national legislative assembly. To explain to the country lawmakers about current dire situation, and why is it necessary to have complete overhauling of the current mediocre incompetent government, as soon as possible. Maybe to call a vote of no confidence on the ruling government and the decision could be made there and then, at the extraordinary sitting.
Yes he did just that, the nemesis sent a letter to the leader of the ruling government the NM (Nadir Minister). Among others the letter contains concern about issues in the country, worrying national and global economic downturn, and how the dangerous religious and racial disputes has been manipulated by certain ministers in the ruling government to boiling point. The "emergency sitting" would open way for a stubborn political impasse created mostly from denial syndrome suffered by those in the DN party.
But as usual, the NM dismissed all that as mere fancy. He said the nemesis was just day dreaming. The NM also complained that the sent letter is too lenghty and that he will need time to discern it. The people are not sure whether the NM is seriously intellectually challenged or he is just making excuses in delaying what the people see as an inevitable reform. Why? No... who on earth would call for a meeting that will probably lead to his own demise? Would you? No I will not. Strange? Yes the strategy of the nemesis is strange indeed, very odd.
To be fair to him, the nemesis has a point though. He said if the NM does not call for an emergency sitting of the national legislative assembly. It is tantamount to a deliberate attempt to undermine the sacred process of democracy in this country. An apparent dereliction of the law of the country by those in corridor of power. But again! Who would dare to call for a meeting that will decide his own death by a guillotine? Do you?
And Yes! As you might have already expect. The NM has another tool in his never-ending arsenal. Presenting our very own "Pendekar", hail from "Kotoh Balat", a last bastion for the ruling government. A reliable one at it, because "Pendekar" is the speaker of the national legislative assembly. With that he has some sort of vested power on him whether to call or delay any "emergency sitting". With his loud voice and burning charisma, HAHAHA who would dare deny his ruling?
"Pendekar" issued a statement regarding the nemesis request for an emergency sitting by saying ~Only the Nadir Minister can call for an emergency national legislative assembly session, and even then he needs to give a 14-day notice.~
14 Days may be too long to save the country from this dark episode.
......atau Pendek Akal?
Me @ 4101m amsl,
Gunung Kinabalu
....atau buah zakar yang menagih keajaiban Power Root?!
Ali Cafe,
Beer Root Garut-Garut Avenue,
Nuru Nabaru
..DIA lah paling depan dalam demonstrasi jalanan menentang PBS tahun 85...dia ikat lagi kepala dia ...macam mau pigi Bosnia saja!
Ikan Sardinas,
Panar Laban,
Nulu Nabalu
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