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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Math and Science in English or Malay?

1. Nowadays Malaysia Education Minister Datuk Hishammudin Tun Hussein must be in a state of quandary. He has to make a decision. Whether to maintain the teaching of Math and Science in english, or to revert to Bahasa Malaysia. Some quarters really want to revert to Bahasa Malaysia, while some argue that english is the best medium.

2. For english speaking Malaysians, the argument must be about the status of english in development of math and science internationally. Science & Math Journals and R&D articles published around the world are using english. Therefore our youths must not be left out under the coconut shell (di bawah tempurung). By teaching them these two subjects in english, they would be able to participate and compete internationally, not just confined to Bahasa Malaysia speaking community.

3. Fair enough, they have their valid reasons for using english. Since our country produced very little advancement or new knowledge in science and technology. Malaysia has been a big importer of foreign know-how and technologies. Aside from winning several high-school science award in little known science and technology expos, Malaysia has nothing to boast of to international community.

4. Take our highways for example! Remember when debris from MRR2 started falling in Kepong. Our engineers could not do anything about it. Then they started calling engineers from Germany who in my opinion did a sloppy job themselves. But they have the know-how and technologies to build elevated highway which Malaysia's lacking.

5. What about the controversial eurocopters deal? Those foreign military choppers to replace the shoddy Nuris. The purchase of submarines and military ships from foreign countries, etc. etc. etc. and etc. Seem like our english educated engineers are good at nothing but one. Negotiating deal with foreign salesman. As I suppose, english is used on negotiation table.

6. I think what important is to present the concept in the best possible manner. We want Math & Science concept to be ingrained into the pupils brain as effectively as possible. We cannot run away from the facts that most students in rural area, especially in Sabah are not that well versed in english. Even those living in big towns also are not that good in english.

7. Some Malaysian speaks english fluently. For me, I have to slowly translate malay word to english first in my mind before saying or writing it out. That's why my english is bad. But I can speak and deliver my message better to an englishman rather than to any good Malaysian english speaker. Because I know, that they too can speak and understand Malay. But sometimes pride can be an obstacle.

8. Nevertheless, I would still speak to them in Malay to deliver my message better, rather than to stammer with lots of uhhmmm, hmmm... ahhh...., etc. Unless of course if that person has been staying in kampung all his life, never learn the language in school, or would rather die than to face the shame of speaking Malay. In that case I would relent and let him have his way and with me stammering along.

9. Because to be honest in most of my business dealings in KL, most of them speaks stammering english. Or very quick fluent english without any interruption until I could not understand them at all. Mind you englishman from London would also frown at them. Which is correct? Malaysian english or British English? Have we surpassed the english? That we become more english than the english? Whiter than white?

10. Broken english is definitely not good for the students, it will make them more confused, lost and unable to grasp the concept while trying hard to understand the language. You tell me! Do we want to teach the concept or the language? Our school already have English Language as one of the primary subjects. Even that subject also charted inferior national examination results thus far, why not focus on the subject instead to improve the students' english?

11. Work on the elementary first. The students must be taught english from home, since they were small. Having a household who speak broken english, such as "Baby, come come.. my baby not speak english proper2 oledy, too much champor-champor with other language" or "My Son oni speak english one, he not know speak Chinese or Malay one. Huisss speak Malay lagi no good one!" will not help.

12. History had proven that many branches of Math were not invented by english speaking mathematicians. For example algebra, a branch of mathematics invented by Islamic Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. He didn't speak english, yet able to come out with such a revolutionary mathematical concept. Well then you may ask, what about Isaac Newton? Ok he is english, but he was not the only mathematician. There are many others.

13. The abacus was developed by the chinese. It was built out of wood and beads. It could be held and carried around easily. The abacus was so successful that its use spread from China to many other countries. It helps people keep track of numbers as they do the computing. It was invented nearly 5000 years ago. This is one of the great computing tool. There's no way that english language had any influence on this great invention.

14. Upon understanding how to determine the volume of an object, Archimedes leapt out of his bath tub, then took to the streets naked. So excited by his discovery that he had forgotten to dress, crying "eureka! eureka! eureka!" He certainly did not say it in english, which would mean "I Got It".

15. Ptolemy, Copernicus, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras, etc. to say the least have all contributed greatly to science. There are so many others in different fields, such as in astronomical science, etc. Most are started or invented by those who did not speak a word of english in their life. Not knowing english didn't deprive these great inventors from producing groundbreaking science and mathematical inventions. Then why on earth do we think that it will deprive our schoolchildren here in Malaysia?

16. I wonder why Japan can be a pioneer in science and technology though their english is crappy.

17. Lastly, I believe Language is not to IMPRESS, but to EXPRESS. Simple solution is to teach Math and Science in a language where the students are more comfortable with. Kadazan, Chinese, Tamil, Telegu, Malay, English... No issue as long as the students could understand better.


Anonymous said...

18. Newton wrote Principia Mathematica in Latin (although he also make its copy in English). But the generation after him learn Physics in English.

19. Japan translated all foreign literature to Japanese during Meiji restoration.

20. I think it's because Malaysia didn't use Bahasa Malaysia as unification language; not like Indonesian.

Anonymous said...

a wise man

Anonymous said...

wise man